Tips to CONQUER Your New Year’s Fitness Resolution 2018
So earlier today, I took to Facebook Live to kick off my official New Year’s Jumpstart Week! And my biggest focus is to give you some really easy to apply tips for your current program that can mean a WORLD of difference this year.
Ok so get this…
I surveyed folks in our Facebook Group (click here to join if you aren’t already a member), and asked how many of our members do the whole New Year’s Resolution thing.
Well… Turns out it was split almost 50/50! And of the folks that said they DON’T do resolutions, they still make room for goals to achieve in general. That says a lot! Basically, we all are focused on doing SOMETHING better in the New Year, no matter how big or small.
So what I did today was completely take apart the OLD ways of approaching New Year’s goals, and have given you something COMPLETELY different to think about. So here’s exactly what I’m breaking down for you in today’s video.
- Don’t approach your goals as “resolutions” – look at them as actual desires you want to accomplish.
- A majority of resolutions fail within the first 3 months.
- Identify what means MOST to you.
- Pick goals that have a deep value, or create ones that go beyond just the surface.
- Be honest with yourself WHY it’s important to you.
- Weight loss and fitness goals can often be tied directly to wanting to feel good about who you are as a person.
- For a lot of women, it’s about getting your confidence back.
- If you feel good about who you are, your fitness life can have a HUGE impact on other areas of your life – and how you relate to those around you.
- Don’t focus so much on the scale. Use other measures of progress.
- Look at measurements as well as weight to determine progress.
- Consider getting your body fat tested before seriously embarking on your goal. DEXA is the gold standard.
- Find an article of clothing that just barely fits, and use that as your measure for progress.
- And always take photos to compare from time to time.
- Have a game plan and clear road map in place.
- If consistency is an issue, get on a training and diet program.
- Set a start and and end date in which to reach your goals. Having a clear timeline can be the difference between succeeding and failing.
- Be ready to allow for LIFE to happen – and never quit.
Look, they say the definition of insanity is doing the SAME thing over and over – while expecting different results.
So my question is, why are you driving yourself crazy? Especially if you’re simply embarking on the SAME way of doing things as before, even if you know it leads to lackluster results.
Stop that now – and start 2018 on the RIGHT FOOT.
Let me show you how: Click here to schedule a FREE discovery call with me – let’s get crystal clear on your 2018 goals.
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