Reflection: Looking Back to Prepare For Your New Year in Fitness

Happy New Year!  So ponder this…

The other day I surveyed members in our Facebook Group and asked them if they did any kind of resolutions for the New Year. And it’s interesting because we had a 50/50 split between those who do and those that don’t.

Some group members said they don’t because they feel that setting long-term goals motivates them more. But for the other half, setting a goal at the start of the year, on a fresh page, motivates them.

Which one are you?

Well here’s something I want you to realize… Just about a great majority of people who set out to embark on New Year’s goals FAIL within the first 3 months.

And that says a whole lot!

That’s a whole lot of hopes and dreams down the drain.

A whole lot of starting over – once again, and again… AND AGAIN, for yet another year.

And a whole lot of going through this crazy conundrum of putting oneself through a vicious cycle that can leave you feeling like there is no hope for you – and you’re incapable of having lasting changes. Now of course, I’m talking about fitness here.

I have a theory though, and it’s not really a “theory” but a fact.

The reason why so many people FAIL at their fitness goals is that they don’t spend enough time to get CRYSTAL CLEAR about what they want, and even more HOW THEY WILL GET THERE.

Ever find YOURSELF there too?

There’s no clear solution nor game plan in place. And because of that, you wander aimlessly – and often trying and failing using the same methods, tactics, and approaches you have in the past. The ones that didn’t work. The ones that led you right back to the starting point ONCE AGAIN… Leaving you frustrated and searching for answers.

But here’s what I want you to do differently this year…

I want you to take a look BACK at the things you’ve tried already last year.

Write them down and make a list.

  • What diets have you tried, and what have you found doesn’t work for you?
  • What training methods have you attempted last year? And what about them didn’t work well for you?
  • When it comes to your mindset, what things do you constantly find yourself nitpicking?
  • Are you constantly being too hard on yourself, being negative?
  • What pitfalls do you keep finding yourself falling into, month after month? Leading you BACK to square one, and failed efforts.

Now, ask yourself…

How willing are you – and rather – how READY are you to break free from all of that?

How much longer are you willing to allow yourself to be just generally unhappy with where you are? And if you had a solution for those things you’ve listed, and I’m talking one that REALLY WORKS, would you take up on it?

  • Would you commit?
  • Would you do it?
  • Would you allow yourself to get out of your own way so that you can be successful this year – and years beyond that?

If you’re serious about really reaching your goal – THIS  YEAR – and you’re unwilling to wait another day, week or month simply wasting your time… Not seeing things change because you keep trying the same methods over and over, that simply DON’T WORK – and you desperately need a way out…

I’m here to help.

Every day, I help my clients to finally have AMAZING breakthroughs when it comes to their training and nutrition, and moreover, FINALLY unlocking what personally works for THEM to be successful. To lose the weight they’ve struggled with for far too long. To get stronger! To create lean, toned, and athletic physiques.

Even if they’ve done all they can, working with other coaches or trainers in the past that have failed them – we’ve been able to get the perfect solution FOR THEM, and start making some huge strides in their health, and how that impacts all aspects of their lives.

And if that’s the kind of result you want to create for yourself, reach out to me to book a call to speak to me further about your goals.

During our call, we’re going to go DEEPLY into the things that have been holding you back thus far. Name them, face them, and help you to find some clarity about what your next moves need to be to overcome them.

And we’ll also go over the simple strategy my clients are using with me to get back on track, gain their confidence, and really achieve the body of their dreams (and the tools to keep it together long term).

Head here to book your call.

I look forward to speaking to you! And may we make this the most AMAZING year for you.

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