Lemon Buttery Herb – Engagement Chicken Recipe

Before we jump into today’s YUMMY engagement chicken recipe, I want to share a recent post I made on my social media that ties into today’s post beautifully.


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I was having a very interesting conversation the other day. I am really into homemaking. In fact, I’ve lived every dream and goal in my life where I feel like I’ve done all I wanted, so I have no “what if” thoughts on my soul. But the biggest thing on my soul is being a homemaker. I can see myself married and being totally fine in that role, not relying on having to chase a career (outside of running my… Wait for it…. ONLINE AT HOME BUSINESS I already run). ❤💋❤ Homemaking is seen as something married women do, particularly married with kids. But I’ve discovered a community of women who embrace this kind of thing well in advance of actually being married. 💋❤💋 And you know what… I really like it. 💋❤💋 And… AND… You can still do this for yourself if you have a thriving career. ❤💋❤ What better way to care for YOU? What better way to express an ultimate expression of self-love than caring for you, beautifying your environment, cooking amazing meals for yourself, budgeting responsibly, enjoying hobbies that tap into and increase your feminine energy? Training and working out because it makes YOU feel good. That’s a part of it too. ❤💋❤ Women often try to take this role on when they are in relationships, or when they finally settle down, and some actually get to a point of loathing it. Society tells us that as women we should SCOFF this because it’s archaic. 💋❤💋 But personally. I LOVE IT. And I really have incredible respect for women who do this for their families, and from the heart. ❤💋❤ And here’s the kicker… When you do this for yourself because it’s simply YOUR lifestyle… It feels even more amazing to SHARE this part of you with others. For instance… You’re not cooking for a man when you’re in a relationship… Nah, he gets to enjoy what you already do for you… But ladies… Only occasionally if he hasn’t given you a ring! 😘☺😂✌🏾💅🏾🤭 💋❤💋 And don’t do his laundry FFS. 😂☺

A post shared by Roxie Beckles (@iamroxiebeckles) on

One of the greatest life lessons I’m learning right now is the importance of self-care on a deeper level.

What started off as a fitness journey for me, many many moons ago, has literally become a path of self-exploration and ways of truly living wholistically.

Feeling grounded in who I am. Being loving towards my body. And really guarding with all of my heart, my peace and strength in being just ME!

Cooking for myself, and homemaking is a big aspect of that for me.

At some point, I’ll address the homemaking part, but today, I want to talk about the cooking part – and share one of my favorite recipes.

Why Cooking For Yourself is One of the Best Blessings You Can Give To You…

I tell you what…

I was hit or miss at one point when it came to cooking for myself.

I grew up helping in the kitchen. It was a definite requirement around holiday times especially to have all hands on deck.

When we had company, we always cooked – and served our guests a plate.

I come from a background of being hospitable. And, we always had fresh cooked meals at home each night (well most nights when we weren’t enjoying leftovers).

In my busyness of adulthood, I often fell behind with all of this.

However, after making the decision to care for myself with more intention, and to really just put ME as a priority… Well, I began cooking for myself once again.

I Absolutely LOVE to Cook!

A lot of my meal inspiration comes from recipes.

I have a cookbook that is my go to – The Joy of Cooking.

E-V-E-R-Y household should have one! It’s been around since the 1930s, and is filled with some of the most amazing comfort food ever.

Julia Child herself claims that this has been her biggest inspiration when it comes to how she learned to cook, and dishes she created on her own.

But I also love to look online and find all kinds of great stuff.

Really, I’ll tell you what…


Yes, even you!

Because it becomes a matter of following a recipe. That’s it really!

So, I encourage you to explore! To look around. To be inspired. And to really get creative – with guidance – if you can’t/don’t cook creatively on your own.

If you follow recipes to the T, you’ll come out alright.

Now onto today’s recipe…

Engagement Chicken Recipe: How Meghan Markle Stole Harry’s Heart

The first time I heard about this recipe was while I was reading some random blurb about Meghan and Harry.

I admit, I had a little mini-obsession with Meghan Markle because I just LOVE her transformation. From regular American girl, to royal duchess. O-M-G!

The class, the grace, the FIIIERCE.

Well, let’s not ignore the fact that I also have had a crush on Prince Hot Ginge for a LONG TIME.

I mean really, I think if he woulda met THIS chocolate (#me), chile he woulda put a ring on it! LOL

Let me live my fantasies OKURRRT!

Anyway doe…

Megan one day made for Harry this chicken recipe. And homeboy dropped to a knee and popped the question!

But this isn’t the first time this has happened! This recipe has quite a bit of an interesting history.

Glamour Magazine Started It All…

According to Glamour Magazine:

As the story goes, in 1982, an editor in Glamour’s fashion department gave her assistant a recipe for the most buttery, lemony chicken she’d ever tasted.


The assistant then cooked said chicken for her then-boyfriend, who, a month later, proposed.


Whether the proposal was thanks to the dish or just because their relationship was heading that way is unclear, but what is clear is that the assistant passed the recipe along to three more Glamour staffers who, upon baking it for their respective partners, also got engaged.


The recipe was published in the January 2004 issue of Glamour, and Engagement Chicken was born.

And seriously though…

Women for decades since have INSISTED that this is part of the reason for men dropping to a knee and asking for marriage.

Well, that besides them being amazing women – OBVIOUSLY!

In all seriousness, you can of course cook this amazing chicken for ANYONE – Including yourself.

Heck I ate the whole dang bird on my own several times – and have cooked it for my BFF.

He actually said (and I quote), “If I wasn’t gay, I’d marry you!”.

So then there’s that!

It works!

Here’s how you cook it…

Engagement Chicken Recipe – or Lemony Buttery Herbal Chicken If You’re a Feminist Who Hates The Name (IJS)

From Glamour Magazine

Engagement Chicken

Serves 2 to 4


1 whole chicken (approximately 4 pounds) 1/2 cup fresh lemon juice, plus 3 whole lemons—including 1 sliced for garnish 1 tablespoon kosher or coarse sea salt 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground pepper Fresh herbs for garnish (4 rosemary sprigs, 4 sage sprigs, 8 thyme sprigs, and 1 bunch fl at-leaf parsley)

  1. Position an oven rack in the upper third of the oven and preheat the oven to 400°F. Remove the giblets from the chicken, wash the chicken inside and out with cold water, then let the chicken drain, cavity down, in a colander for 2 minutes.
  2. Pat the chicken dry with paper towels. Place the chicken breast-side down in a medium roasting pan fi tted with a rack and pour the lemon juice all over the chicken, both inside and out. Season the chicken all over with salt and pepper inside and out.
  3. Prick 2 whole lemons three times each in three different places with a fork and place them deep inside the cavity. Chicken cavity size may vary, so if one lemon is partly sticking out, that’s fine. (Tip: If the lemons are stiff, roll them on the countertop with your palm before pricking to get the juices flowing.)
  4. Put the chicken in the oven, lower the oven temperature to 350°F, and roast, uncovered, for 15 minutes.
  5. Remove the roasting pan from the oven. Using tongs or two wooden spoons, turn the chicken breast- side up. Insert a meat thermometer in the thigh, and return the chicken to the oven and roast for about 1 hour to 1 hour and 15 minutes or until the meat thermometer reads 180°F and the juices run clear when the thigh is pricked with a fork. Continue roasting if necessary. Keep in mind that cooking times in different ovens vary; roasting a chicken at 350°F takes approximately 18-20 minutes per pound, plus an additional 15 minutes.
  6. Let the chicken rest for 10 minutes before carving. And here’s the secret: Pour the juices from the roasting pan on top of the sliced chicken. Garnish with fresh herbs and lemon slices.

Another great thing to think about, this can fit nicely into any meal plan!

And is great for the whole family to enjoy and love.

I hope that it gives you a little inspiration in the kitchen!

Tell me in the comments how it turns out.



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