Demystifying Wellness: Understanding the Criteria and Posing in the Wellness Division

Have you ever found yourself marveling at the physiques of wellness competitors, wondering what exactly sets them apart on the stage? It’s a common sentiment among fitness enthusiasts and competitors alike.

While these women undeniably possess exceptional physiques, deciphering the criteria that propel them to victory can be a daunting task.

Let’s delve into the intricacies of the wellness division! Unravel the nuances that define success and shed light on the unique posing requirements that distinguish it from its counterparts.

The Concept of Wellness

At first glance, wellness may seem like a mysterious middle ground between bikini and figure. A realm reserved for athletes who straddle the line between the two categories.

Wellness was originally conceived for women whose muscularity exceeded the bikini threshold yet fell short of the figure ideal. It offers a sanctuary for those with sculpted physiques and ample lower body development.

Unlike figure, where symmetry reigns supreme, wellness celebrates full-bodied proportions. As a division, it emphasizes a robust lower half, characterized by well-defined quads, glutes, and hamstrings.

The Posing Paradigm

Pose, they say, is everything, and nowhere is this more evident than in the wellness division.

While bikini competitors typically showcase a simple front and back pose, wellness introduces a new dimension with quarter turns. Incorporating side poses, allows competitors to accentuate the overall physique.

This expanded repertoire allows judges to assess contestants from every angle, ensuring a comprehensive evaluation of their muscularity and symmetry. And allows the audience to enjoy admiring the hard work these ladies put into their training.

Key Judging Criteria

So, what exactly are the judges seeking in a winning wellness package? The answer lies in a delicate balance of muscularity, femininity, and conditioning.

Competitors must display full muscle bellies and a degree of hardness while avoiding excessive striations. This is a fine line that separates the sculpted from the shredded.

Emphasize a tight lower body, especially during rear poses, where glute and hamstring development become the focal point.

Be mindful that the judges want to see a body that looks athletic and strong. So don’t skimp out on training the upper body, particularly when it comes to shoulders.

Genetics and Suitability

For aspiring wellness athletes, understanding one’s genetic predisposition is paramount. An ideal candidate boasts an X-frame silhouette, accentuated by well-developed quads and glutes that complement a balanced upper body.

Those who have previously competed in figure or bikini, only to find themselves overshadowed by their lower body dominance, may discover a newfound home in the wellness division. It gives competitors a sanctuary where their unique attributes are celebrated rather than marginalized.

It’s always best to compete in the division that closest aligns with your goals and your body, naturally.


In essence, wellness embodies a fusion of strength, grace, and aesthetic appeal. It stands as a testament to the multifaceted nature of female athleticism.

Competitors do more than showcase their physical prowess as they take to the stage; they embody a legacy of dedication, resilience, and unwavering determination.

So, the next time you find yourself captivated by the spectacle of wellness, remember the intricate dance of muscle and femininity. Consider the conditioning and symmetry that unfold before your eyes—a testament to the timeless pursuit of excellence in the realm of competitive fitness.

The Smarter Approach to Your Prep Always Wins in the End - Download My FREE Contest Prep Crash Course


Look, the one thing I want you to learn from everything I share is that you can indeed have a SMART prep, and look amazing in the end. You CAN do things the right way, and WIN on stage.

All it takes is working with the right advice and tips to help you to get there, and to truly develop into the amazing athlete that you already are.

I pride myself on developing my competitors. To TRULY guide them, hands on, to their best. To be there for them for that motivation, mental support, honest feedback, and attention to detail that will get them to their winning physique.

I created this amazing eBook to help you to start to take a smarter approach to your prep – all while looking your ABSOLUTE BEST on stage!

In this eBook I’m breaking down everything you need to consider when it comes to cardio and weight training for prep, dieting for your show, posing and presentation tips, and so much more!

Plus, I’ve got some really great bonus videos that will help you to master the game, and figure out exactly what you need to do to ensure that you look like a star up on that stage.

You Deserve to Win!