Ok, let’s be REAL honest right now…
I want you to raise your hand if you KNOW that feeling of trying to get ready to go somewhere, and in your mind seeing that PERFECT outfit. You know you got that top you love, the accessories, the shoes… Those jeans!
So you’re doing your thing, getting yourself ready to go. Of COURSE you’re running late and shyt (what’s new). And you go to put on your jeans, and they glide on oh so smooth until… BAM. They hit them hips… And you try to do the wiggle dance to get them on, and you got it, but then… BAM dat azz tho! Your jeans are like all KINDS OF NOPE!
What’s worse, is that those are usually your big jeans! Like the ones that AAALLWAYS fit no matter where your weight fluctuates to. And so now, that outfit is like RUINED! And you have to go find some other bottoms, and you are p-ssed like a MUG! And you know you’ve GOTTA do something about it.
Well that’s what I want to talk to you about today… So let me share some REAL world tips about how to get them hipz, and dat azz BACK into dem jeans! 😝🙄😂
Come ON Girl... Get Into Your Jeans Again. Set Up a Complimentary Call w/ Me So We Can Discuss How!
By the way, if you’re REALLY serious about not only transforming your body – but transforming your entire LIFE around a fitter and healthier lifestyle that can not only get you to your goals… But KEEP you there… And you’re a woman who already loves to workout, you love the gym, training is your THANG, but you need someone to help you get back on track over the next maybe 8 to 12 weeks or so – jumpstart you, get your motivation going, and help you to really achieve some goals…
Then I want to talk to you! And YES really REALLY talk to you.
Click here to set up a complimentary discovery call with me. Let’s see how we can turn your life and your fitness around, and get you going on a plan that actually WORKS.
Your investment in your health, your body, and your self-confidence is the greatest give you can ever give to yourself.
Set a time so we can speak.
Let's Make It Easier... Set Up Your Appointment Below!
Please Note: All Times Below are in Pacific Standard Time
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