Quitting Your Fitness Goals and Remembering YOUR Why

Today, I got a special treat for you. So, I recently hopped onto Facebook to open up the floor for a little discussion. Have you ever been to a point where you simply felt like giving up, and quitting your fitness goals.

Like, at some point it all just seems SOO fuggin HARD!

At one point – BAM! Girrrrl, you are ON FIRE. You’re killing that gym, killing that diet. Your body is starting to shape up to what you see in your mind. And you’re REALLY feeling even better than you look. It’s like, yaaaaas! It’s all finally coming together.

And maybe, things have been going GREAT (in your best Tony the Tiger voice) for some time now. But then… It always seems to happen.

Life always seems to get in the way.

Those days and hours you had to spend in the gym. GONE.

That motivation you had flowing through your body like the waters of LIFE… GONE.

That belief in yourself that you could conquer the world… G-O-N-E.

Now, here you are. Mentally struggling, fighting to see that glimmer of light again. That hope. That knowing that everything will be ok. You can still do this. You can keep pushing for progress and change, even when things are going crazy.

But that fire is kinda gone – and now you feel like giving up.

Girlfriend! Best fraaaand! I want to tell you DON’T. Girl, don’t give up! Instead, let’s have a conversation about what I DO want you to do when times get tough like this.

In today’s video, I want to connect with you your reasons “Why”. Why you started all this in the first place. Why it’s important to you. And how knowing that reason WHY is the one thing that will keep you from falling off the edge when things are tough. Let’s talk! Watch the video below.

(Video) Quitting Your Fitness Goals & Remembering Your WHY in the First Place

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