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RSF Online Coaching Bold

What Some Of Our Clients Have To Say…

Here are a few testimonials from our clients. You can view more on our Testimonials Page as well. We take pride in the success of those who work with us.

Your Success Is OUR Success.

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Latest Blog Posts and Fitness Advice:

How to Stay Fit With a Busy Schedule

You have every intention to get into the BEST shape of your life, but your busy schedule won’t let you be great, huh? No problem sista! Come on in here and let’s discuss exactly how to stay fit with a busy schedule – even if you’ve failed in the past. How to Stay Fit With […]


What Bodybuilding Taught Me That EVERY Woman Who Wants To Build Muscle Should Know

Repeat after me… Bodybuilding is for EVERYONE. Especially for women who want to build muscle, tone up, lose fat, and build a curvy hourglass physique.

I spent over a decade of my life dedicated to building the body, and eventually, I became an IFBB Pro. I even competed at the Olympia! The Superbowl of Bodybuilding.

Along the way, I learned some valuable lessons about what it takes to sculpt an award-winning physique that is strong, sleek, feminine, and toned.

Here’s what I think that every woman who wants to have the body of her dreams should know. Whether she wants to compete or not.


What’s the Difference Between Refeeds and Cheat Meals?

Today, I’ve got a GREAT Facebook Live Chat that I did covering a topic I get a TON of questions about. And that’s what’s the difference between refeeds and cheat meals. A lot of people use these terms interchangeably, but really, they are not one in the same. They are structured differently, and each have […]


What Exactly IS Online Fitness And Nutrition Coaching, And How Does That Differ From Personal Training?

Click Here To Find Out!

A Message From IFBB Pro Roxie Beckles

From The Office Of Roxie Beckles, Owner of RoxStar Fitness, LLC.  photo site

Los Angeles, California

Dear Future RoxStar,

I want to make a quick introduction to you about who I am, and what inspired me to decide that positively changing the lives of others is my calling.  My name is Roxie Beckles, and although I am currently an IFBB Professional Competitor, I have to admit it took time, patience, and work to get to where I am today.  In looking at me, many would say that the body I have is due to genetics, or that I have some special “thing” that allows me to be in awesome shape, and that for most it’s impossible to attain.  To be honest, I always kind of scoff at statements like that, because just like you, it takes work for me to get to where I am.  It takes time in the gym, it takes eating well and eating right, and more importantly it takes the DECISION TO HAVE THE WILL TO WANT TO MAKE MY HEALTH AND FITNESS MY LIFESTYLE.  These are the things that I instill in my clients, and it is through this mindset that they have seen amazing results of their own


I’ve spent years in the trenches, working in some of the industry’s top gyms and fitness facilities, working with people of all walks of life.  I’ve been able to perfect my approach on a multitude of people from the stay at home mom, to working professional, to weekend athletic warrior, and even to the top athletes across many sports.


The one thing that held constant to every single client of mine, regardless to their background, was that proper nutrition and training are the KEY to the overall success of their plans.


A properly designed diet and training program working hand in hand were the direct passport to their goals.  Many had spent years working with other trainers or coaches in search of the solution to being able to perform strong both in and out of the gym, and see incredible results when it comes to fat loss, muscle gain, and improvement of strength – and not only to attain those things, but to attain them over the long-term.  Unfortunately their search had fallen short on many levels – until they started working with me.

What I have been able to develop in this time I’ve have coined my P.E.A.T. System of Training.  P.E.A.T. stands for Physique Enhancing Athletic Training, and it bridges the world of functional training, strength and conditioning, athletic training, cardio, and flexibility into a training system that has been producing incredible results.

PEAT System Diagram 2

My clients started to not only see their strength and performance in the gym become naturally enhanced, but they were able to perform everyday tasks with greater ease, and saw less aches and pains that had become an everyday annoyance which soon started to fade away.  But the best part was the amazing fat loss and body transformation that occurred across the board for almost ALL of them.  Their clothes were getting bigger, their measurements smaller, the weight was coming off, muscles they’ve never seen before started to show through.  Most of all, the training inspired them to step out of their comfort zone and reach limits they never even thought possible.


What I’ve quickly learned is that there is a major benefit for results based and scientifically driven online coaching that can bring my expertise to the hands of any client willing to receive it, regardless of location.

My program has proven effective for ALL FITNESS LEVELS AND ALL GOALS.


Check Out This One Year Before And After of a RoxStar Fitness Online Coaching Client – She Lost 30 Pounds That Year

Rita, at the age of 53, came to me having not worked out in over a year, was a smoker, and not at all happy with what her body had become.  She was essentially tired of being “sick and tired”, not feeling confident and comfortable in her own skin, and simply not being an example of what a healthy lifestyle can be for her family and children.

Here is what she looked like when we started in December 2012:


We sat and took a very close look at what she was currently doing and how she was eating at the time.  We changed her diet completely around introducing whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and lean protein.  We gradually built her up to training 4-5 days a week, being sure to keep strength training as her main focus, and using cardio as a small tool in the toolbox.  After one full year of consistency, here’s what she was looking like – at the age of 54!

Mind you, I’ve never met Rita in person, aside from the many phone conversations and Skype follow up appointments online. These photos are from December 2013 after one full year of coaching, and a 30 POUND weight loss (see the email below).

ritaafter1yr rita email

And we’re not done yet…  This a TYPICAL result of most of my clientele.



We focus on lifestyle changes that not only are highly effective in the present moment, but ones that also lead the path towards SUCCESS AND MAINTENANCE IN THE LONG-TERM.



So now that I’ve introduced you to my P.E.A.T Training System, let me tell you the benefits of what participating in my program brings FOR YOU.

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My P.E.A.T. Training System and Online Coaching Will Take Your Training To New Levels

The idea of working with a fitness and nutrition coach online is scary and quite strange for some. However, imagine an opportunity to work one on one with someone considered an expert in their field, someone who has spent an ENTIRE CAREER dedicated to improving and inspiring the lives of others. Someone who is technologically savvy and realizes the incredible balance technology can bring by breaking location barriers between a trainer/coach and their clients. This is what online fitness and nutrition coaching can provide.  Furthermore, this online relationship will open the doors to a whole new approach and way of working in the gym for you.  It will give you the power to unlock the key to YOUR personal brand of success, one that may have eluded you up to this point.



Online Fitness and Nutrition Coaching is MORE Cost Effective – And So Much More Affordable…

Working With Us As Your Online Coach Is BETTER ON YOUR WALLET Than Hiring A Personal Trainer – And Produces Far Better Results!

Here’s what’s amazing about online coaching.  Technology has given us a way to bring together some of the most sought after fitness professionals in the world, and make them accessible to YOU – at a very competitive rate.

With traditional training set ups, most trainers will charge anywhere between $55-125 per hour to work with them PER SESSION – plus the fee to use the gym.  If you add in the cost for a nutrition program, then  you could be looking at quite possibly DOUBLING that fee.


You could potentially be spending upwards of $500 per month with traditional personal training packages vs. online fitness and nutrition coaching with us.


However, many trainers DO NOT offer nutrition programs, so you’d be missing out on the aspect of your plan that will get you the BEST results. In addition, many do not hold advanced degrees in the sciences of the body, and how it relates to YOUR goals and needs.

Our coaches have obtained degrees from some of the industry’s most sought after programs, as well as certifications to the Gold Standards of the fitness industry – NASM CPT and PES, NSCA CPT and CSCS, ISSN, and ISSA.


In our online coaching arrangement you can have BOTH (training and nutrition) designed by AN EXPERT at a fraction of the costs of hiring a traditional personal trainer!   


We offer several different plans to fit any budget.  For a brief detail of what we offer please see below, however for a full description of what the difference is between our plans, please view our Program Offerings and Costs page.

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RoxStar Fitness Inner Circle Membership Add-On: $19.99 $10.99/Month All Access Member (Discounted Rate For Current Clients!).

We offer a chance for current RoxStar Fitness clients to become exclusive members of our RoxStar Fitness Inner Circle Membership! The Inner Circle provides even more tools to enhance your experience. It gives you some extra tools to be able to stay on track, stay motivated, learn more about the WHY’S behind nutrition and training programming, and gives you all the things you need for LONG TERM  SUCCESS. Here’s what we can provide to you when you join the RoxStar Fitness Inner Circle Membership Site:

Added Features and Benefits of the Inner Circle Membership for YOU…

  • UNLIMITED Site Access at All Access Level
  • Exclusive access to our members forum and online community
  • Access to all exclusive site videos and media content
  • Discount Store access for apparel items in our private store
  • Discount for any eBooks, Webinars, and other online deliverable content
  • Private RoxStar Accountability Mastermind Group Conference Call/Workshop 30 Minute once to twice a month.
  • Complimentary 20 min posing session for competitors
  • Posing Session Discounts for competitors


The Added Benefits of the RoxStar Accountability Mastermind Group:

  • Adds an extra layer of value to the services we offer our client base – further solidifies our “Your Success Is OUR Success” mindset
  • Provides a means for clients to connect with each other and form a true community of support as they drive towards their goals.
  • It’s a team approach to solving problems, learning from each other, and reaching goals. You can get additional feedback on how to best go about achieving your goals, overcoming obstacles, and celebrating triumphs.


Adding on the Inner Circle Membership provides you with another awesome way to keep you accountable, and reaching towards your goals. You’ll have access to our exclusive member’s only community through our forum and Facebook Group, exclusive weekly motivational and Q&A videos with Roxie, access to our online webinars that cover topics from fat loss, strength building, contest prep, exclusive interviews with industry leaders and your favorite fitness personalities, and so much more. You’ll also have access to our discount RoxStar Fitness Apparel Store.


For competitors, your membership includes all of the perks above, plus a COMPLIMENTARY 20 MINUTE ONLINE POSING SESSION with Roxie or one of our RoxStar Fitness Success Coaches. Membership also unlocks special discounts for future posing sessions and session packages. Competitors, click here to read more on our specific contest prep approach.

For more info on the Inner Circle check out our site: http://InnerCircle.RoxStarFitness.com



What are you waiting for? Don’t delay, contact us today to set up your FREE 30 MINUTE CONSULTATION to see what we can do for you in helping you to reach your goals.   


If you’ve been spending time spinning your wheels trying to make things happen on your own, or have tried and failed again and again, give us a call. There’s no time like the present to change your life – and change it for a lifetime.   Your leaner, stronger, and perfectly sculpted body awaits…All you have to do to take the first step in making that goal a reality.

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Before you send your info, I want to leave you with a few thoughts…

  • Now that I’ve shown you exactly how I’ve changed the lives of others JUST LIKE YOU, don’t you think it’s time for you to have the same kind of results?
  • Wouldn’t it feel amazing to be a SUCCESS STORY of your own?
  • Don’t you think that you deserve to finally stop wasting time in the gym and have the body of your dreams? 


If you answered YES to ANY of the questions above, then I encourage you to get into contact with me today!  Whether you want to start with one-on-one training, if you’re out of town and would love to work with me through online training, or if you’re considering your first physique competition, I want you to be able to take full advantage of what I have to offer and know that the end of your frustrations for not reaching your goals will immediately come to an end. I’m not in this game for the money, I’m in this to change lives and to impact as many people as I can. And to prove that to you even further, I’m also going to throw in a COMPLIMENTARY PHONE CONSULTATION so that we may sit and speak one-on-one to ensure this is the right decision for you. So now, what do you have to lose?


Roxie Beckles, NASM CPT, SNS

IFBB Women’s Physique Professional Competitor

Owner, Online Coach – RoxStar Fitness LLC



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