Cross training has been a MAJOR part of my bodybuilding/figure contest prep when I first started. And now, one of the elements that I have included has been combining Crossfit and contest prep to help me to lean out, and stay focused and motivated.
And wow, what can I say…
I am feeling really in the groove and just finding my flow with my training and my diet. I’m truly enjoying the process.
Despite all of this, I’ve got to say, there have been a few roadblocks along the way, things that really could have thrown me off of my prep. But I make the choice to stay focused, and keep pushing ahead.
And by including some forms of training that take me OUT of the weight room… I really fell in love with cross training once again, especially as a means to really take my body to the next level for this season.
In addition to that… I’ve been also getting back to ballet.
So much amazing stuff to share this week, so check it out!
Enjoy today’s video! Take a peek at my progress video for where I am at 16 Weeks Out… And leave any comments you have below. I’d love to hear from you. What kind of training do you find most effective during your prep – that’s outside of the norm of the “bodybuilding” approach?
Do you find you benefit from it? If so, how?