Best Way to Improve Pull Ups – Featuring Carolyn Kimmel

I LOVE this!

I think you’ll see by now that I love pull ups for my clients because they really do help to build up the back.


Now, if YOU can’t do pull ups, look at what Carolyn (shown in the video) said to me via email when she sent this video over to me:


“I’m proud of those pull ups! I can’t remember ever being able to do 1, let alone 5 sets of 5 and now MORE!”


You don’t have to start doing FULL BODYWEIGHT pull ups to start.


Best Way to Improve Pull Ups Tip #1: Use the Assisted Pull Up Machine to Start

If you can’t do full pull ups just yet, one of the best ways to start is on the assisted pull up machine.

When you hit up the assisted pull up machine, try to lift as close to bodyweight as you safely can. So this could mean within 10 to 20 pounds less than your current weight. You still want to be able to pull as much of your own weight as possible – even while on this machine.

Try to see if you can perform about 5 to 6 reps for 5 sets. Over time, you’ll see your strength increase – and your back able to handle your full bodyweight down the line.

I always program this as a warm up for client programs.


Best Way to Improve Pull Ups Tip #2: Throw in HEAVY Lat Pull Downs

Mix in some heavy back exercises like lat pull downs (over about 4 to 5 sets, mixing it up between 5 to 12 reps).

The reason for going heavy is to of course force the body to get acclimated to moving heavy loads through space.

The adaptation you’ll create is going to really force your back muscles to not only develop a bit more and grow, but to have to be able to work more efficiently on the neurological level the next time you place that specific demand on it.<

Hence, over time, you’ll be able to go heavier than before. And also add a layer of work that will make your ability to do pull ups *that* much better.

So for example:
Seated Cable Lat Pull Down
Set 1 (S1) – 12r
S2 – 10r
S3 – 8r
S4 – 5r

Each set increasing the amount of weight you are pulling. Keep the tempo about 2/0/2 – 2 up and down no holds. And about 60-90s rest between sets.

With those two alone in your mix you’ll be able to build a stronger back, stronger lats and the muscles that assist in the pull up.

And eventually… You’ll be doing pull ups too!



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