Getting Ready for the Arnold Amateur – 2 Figure Competitors Ready to Shine

Boy do I have a treat for YOU today! 2 of my amazing figure competitor clients have been quietly getting ready for the 2017 Arnold Amateur competition. And as of today, they are only a few short days from stepping on stage!

The Arnold Sports Festival is a HUGE show, and one of the most prestigious in the sport of bodybuilding. One of the awesome things about that show is also the fact that not only are the top pros in the world and amazing amateurs across all division sharing the same stage, but the competitors are all international! Hailing from every corner of the world you can think of!

But despite all of this, and the stiff competition surely to show up, I know my girls are READY for the challenge.

So just days out from the big show, I went and did an amazing interview with them both – which I am super stoked to share with you today.

Megan Patrick and Gabriella Hernandez are both nationally qualified seasoned competitors. And in today’s podcast (and video interview), they are sharing with you how their prep has been from diet to training, what’s so different this season than any other so far, and some great tips and advice any competitor needs to consider before doing their next show.

So let’s dive in and check it out. If you don’t have time to watch the interview, feel free to listen to (or download) the podcast below on Soundcloud!


Getting Ready for the Arnold Amateur – 2 Figure Competitors Ready to Shine: Megan Patrick and Gabriella Hernandez




Podcast – Listen or Download Now




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