I can’t tell you how excited I am to get this AntiResolution New Year’s Intensive series up and popping for you!
Over the next 7 days, I want to lay the foundation and tools for exactly what you’re going to need to start seeing some REAL changes in 2017.
Whether your goal is fat loss, to build muscle, to get stronger, or to just be more consistent with your training… We’re going to tackle these, get a game plan, set things in motion – and make 2017 YOUR YEAR for success!
So let’s get started!
Kill Some Fat Cells w/ This One!
Let’s kick off Day 1 with one of my favorite workouts from my Inner Circle website.
I want today’s workout to put you in a state of calorie blasting, and we’re going to do that with an advanced Metabolic Conditioning Circuit.
MetCons are GREAT for incorporating weight training into your mix, along with cardio – all at the same time. It’s one of my secret weapons when it comes to losing fat – all while keeping the amount of cardio you do to a minimum.
For your cardio portion – you’ll see that I’ve only given you 20 mins! So you should be in and out of the gym – albiet probably crawling, lol – and still having had a great workout.
Video of the Day: My Fat Loss Plan Grocery Haul
I think you’re going to enjoy today’s video because I’m giving you a glimpse at my own recent shopping trip for my meal plan – at 15 Weeks Out!
Now, even though this is more focused on contest prep – guess what…
Prep is simply a FAT LOSS PLAN!
So even if you aren’t prepping for anything, or never plan to, you can still get a ton out of this video.
Most importantly you’ll see how even I keep variety in the mix, all while reaching my goals.
Get some great tips, motivation, and some things to think about on YOUR next shopping trip.
Day 1 Challenge of the Day: Name It Claim It – Tell Me Your #1 Goal
Claim Your Success – Set Your Goals Right Here
And finally, for the first day of our intensive, I want to get to the nitty gritty about goal setting, and exactly how important it is in this process for achieving what you want…
It’s not enough to wish for it!
You’ve got to have a game plan, know and understand your WHY. And then execute it by way of proclaiming your HOW.
So in this special blog post – exclusively for this program – I am going over all of this, and giving you what’s essentially been the key to my own success!
And still is…
Ok, that’s it for Day 1!
Go over everything at your own pace. Be sure to read over everything though before starting up on Day 2.
Need to catch up? Click the links below for the next days on our 7 Day Plan!
Program Intro – STOP Making Shi**y Resolutions & Do THIS Instead
Day 1 – Metcon Workout + Goal Setting Challenge
Day 2 – Your MUST HAVE Mindset for Fat Loss Success
Be Sure to Find Out MORE About the FULL Coaching Intensive Starting Up January 9, 2017
New Year’s Resolutions NEVER EVER work for ANYONE!
It’s time that you STOP the madness, stop with the empty promises, and START creating a game plan that will bring you to REAL success in 2017!
Work closely with me in my AntiResolution: Get OFF Your Butt, Step Up Your Game, and EARN Your Results Fitness & Nutrition Transformation Coaching Intensive.
Let me teach you EVERYTHING I know about
- Meal planning
- Finding the PERFECT macros and calories for YOUR body/needs/goals
- The RIGHT kind of training to build muscle and lose fat – quickly and effectively
- How to stay motivated and focused – even when life is going insane around you
- Everything you’ve ever wanted to know about what gets REAL results – ALL SCIENCE/NO BS!
Take the guesswork OUT of the equation!
Get the results you’ve been working SO hard for in the gym – and get it NOW. No more excuses.
Click here to find out even more about the program – and the amazingness that awaits you in 2017.