Forget The BBL And Do THIS Butt Building Move Instead

On my YouTube channel (be sure to subscribe), we’ve been doing a ton of discussion on building the glutes, and if I can be frank… The secret behind (pun intended) what gives Brazilian women their infamous curves.

This also sparked a major conversation of Brazilian Butt Lift surgeries. In fact, I did a video on this one just recently.

In that video, we discussed if the BBL look dying a slow death now that Kim Kardashian and her ilk seem to be downsizing their derrieres.

And emerging from this is a new trend – “embracing” natural bodies. You know how we do it over here… We’re all about talking about the stuff that truly works to change your physique.

Now, for each live broadcast, I do one that’s open to the pubic and then right after we do what I call “the after-party” which gets put into the member’s section of YouTube and my Inner Circle community.

So in this video, I’m showing you a clip from the after-party/AMA where I answered your questions AND – shared THREE of my favorite moves to build the butt.

Here is one of the 3, curtsey lunges w/ side lift.

Want to watch the rest and learn the other 2 (one of them is CRAZY good!)? Check it out here.


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