She finally made it y’all!
And as her coach, I couldn’t be more proud.
You know the feeling… Having dieted for a number of weeks, putting in the work and the time to bring your best to the stage, and the sacrafices not only in your eating, but your time and lifestyle as well.
Through all of the hard work, it all finally comes to a head when you’re standing just DAYS out from your next show.
Everything that you do at this point in absolutely crucial.
And today, I want to give you a fly on the wall view of what one RoxStar Fitness Figure Competitor is doing to tie things up for her final days going into her show.
And exactly what a figure competition peak week looks like for HER…
Figure Competition Peak Week: Monica Carson – Greater Gulf States 2016 Contest Prep
Let me introduce you to Monica Carson…

Monica Carson – NPC Los Angeles Championships – Master’s Figure Overall
Monica has been a client of mine for 3 years now! And I have watched her blossom from a totally green beginner figure competitor to a seasoned athlete.
She qualified for Master’s Nationals, and ALL national level shows last year when she had an absolutely fantastic season by either winning an overall title, winning her class, and placing second in the shows she entered.
After that success, we were ready to focus on hitting up the national level shows for this season.
Monica spent a very tedious off season with me.
I fully designed her training, her diet, and everything she needed to do to make sure that her next showing on stage would lead to an improved overall shape, more muscle, and better conditioning when she does step on stage again.
As a natural athlete, it was dually important for her to leave absolutely no stone unturned, every moment both in and out of the gym was absolutely crucial during this time.
We started Monica’s prep at 16 weeks out, and things have progressed nicely over the last couple of weeks leading into her show.

Monica Carson – 16 Weeks Out Greater Gulf States
Stats at 16 Weeks Out:
Weight: 150 Pounds
Chest: 38.5
Waist: 30.5
Navel: 31.5
Hips: 39
Buttocks: 36
Monica Carson: Figure Competition Peak Week – Day 1
Now, I should preface this by saying that I ALWAYS do a dry run of a client’s peak week at 2 weeks out. The main idea of this time period (which I’ve termed pre-peak week) is to work out all of the kinks of our final week protocol. It also allows us to easily sail into the show worry free, and knowing EXACTLY what we need to do to bring the client’s best look to the stage.
By the end of our mock peak, Monica was looking absolutely FANTASTIC! She’s ready to roll and go with the minor tweaks we will need to make things come together.
Peak Week Day 1 Stats:
Weight: 135
Chest: 36
Waist: 26.5
Navel: 27
Hips: 36
Buttocks: 33.5
Monica’s Diet and Training Protocol
When I started Monica’s diet, it was all very simple. Her calories sat at about 1950 calories on training days, and I dropped them to about 1750 on her off days (twice a week) at 16 weeks out.
Gradually as each week passed, we started to focus mostly on carb cycling as our method to push fat loss.
What’s great about doing carb cycling for prep is that you essentially get to play around with, and tweak, your peak week protocol over and over again. By paying close attention to how your responds to high carb days, you will see where exactly you need to put your carb up.
For this final week leading into her show, Monica’s macros are as follows:
Low Carb Days: Approx 1420 Calories – 167g Pro – 77g Carbs – 47g Fat
High Carb Day: Approx 1831 Calories – 130g Pro – 269g Carbs – 23g Fat
For her training, we are really focused on depleting her body of glycogen in the first few days before her carb up. So there are a lot of high reps going on! I put together a program that has Monica hitting every body part at least once per workout.
For Day 1 of our peak week, which falls on a Sunday, I have her hitting up only 40 mins of cardio. No weight training assigned on this day, as I wanted to give her one full day of an active rest.
She will pick up with her weight training on Day 2 of her figure competition peak week – which is the Monday before her show.
Well that’s it for Day 1!
I know you’re as excited as me to see where Monica ends up at the end of this week… And of course how she does on stage!
Got questions or comments regarding her peak week protocol? Post them in the comments below.
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